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Volunteer in a School

Volunteering with APS is an important way to give back, and your contributions enrich our educational programs and empower our students. Our volunteer network has grown to represent more than 5,000 volunteers who contribute to the community, our programs and most of all, our students.

Current Volunteer Opportunities

Barrett Elementary School

Barrett Elementary School is passionate about its?Roving?Reader?program and is looking for some new faces to join it this year. If you have a love for multicultural literacy and a joy for reading to children, reach out to Arturo Ramirez at?arturo.ramirez@apsva.us He would be more than happy to share additional information about this program with you. In the coming year volunteers will also read books that celebrate various other cultures and heritages. The next Roving Reader event celebrating various celebrations around the world is coming up.? Please contact Arturo Ramirez to reserve your spot.

Jefferson Middle School

Jefferson Middle School is seeking volunteers to come in one or two days per week from 8:00 am – 8:30 am to do read aloud exercises with students.? If you are interested in coming on board, please contact Jeremy Siegel at jeremy.siegel@apsva.us.


Kenmore Middle School

Kenmore is currently recruiting folks with flexible work schedules.? to help start a mentoring/tutoring program after school.? Tutors are needed in the following areas ?6th, 7th, and 8th grades English Language Arts, 8th grade Pre-Algebra and Algebra, 8th grade Physical Science, and 6th and 7th grade Math. Tutors are needed Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays from 2:30 p.m. to 4:15 pm.

For further information or if you have any questions, please contact Kaytleth Farino Alvarez at kaytleth.farino@apsva.us

Gunston Middle School?

  • Gunston is seeking volunteers to help with Math and Reading during the school day.? There¡¯s also opportunities for after-school help with various clubs. Any help would be appreciated by the teachers. Please reach out to Tamika Rector at tamika.rector@apsva.us for more information.


  • Gunston Middle School is looking for volunteers to help with their new raised beds garden.? This garden will produce healthy herbs, fruits and vegetables to share with the community.? Not only that, the “Gunston Garden” will serve as a learning hub providing multidisciplinary inclusive activities.? They are working from the ground (patio) up.? So far, they’ve received 2 grants ($1,000) and have purchased 5 planters.? Also, in the works, is another grant from Whole Foods that they’ve applied for in the amount of $3,000 which would provide them with a multitude of supplies. Additionally, we’d be remiss not to mention that the Functional Life Skills students will serve as ambassadors of the Gunston Garden, which will be a tremendous accomplishment considering these are students with significant disabilities.? Think about the endless opportunities to learn about life, the environment; math and science; social impacts and more. Most exciting is the opportunity for the entire community to come together and build on their legacy of “growing greatness.” For more information contact Kelly Tucker at Kelly.Tucker@apsva.us



Â鶹 Community High School?

Â鶹 Community High School is currently seeking tutors with flexible work schedules to help between 8 am to 3 pm. Tutoring is 1:1 meeting on a weekly basis. We are currently seeking tutors to help our students in ?English Literature, and Math.? For more information, please contact Daniel Castillo at daniel.castillo@apsva.us

Yorktown High School

Starting November 27, Spanish speaking parent volunteers are needed at Yorktown to support High School English Language Learners, according to your availability.? Volunteers will assist students to understand and complete classwork.? For more information, please contact Yorktown HS English Learner Teacher, Ms. Teresa Cordova teresa.cordova@apsva.us? To complete an online APS Volunteer Application use this link: English and Spanish versions here.? Thank you for your support.

Mental Health Awareness Month

“Â鶹 Unites” is an event for families and youth on May 18th from 9:30AM-2:30PM at Washington-Liberty High School. It is sponsored by the Â鶹 County Partnership for Children, Youth and Families. ?It will focus on mental health and trauma issues.We have a variety of tasks requiring volunteers. ?We would greatly appreciate your kindness on that day!

To volunteer please

Questions?? Please contact:Roya Candia at rcandia@arlingtonva.us

English Language Arts

The English Language Arts office is currently looking for volunteers to tutor students in Kindergarten through Grade 5 as part of the Read With Me Tutoring program.?You will be assigned a teacher and day and time based on your availability.? For the lower grades, you will work with the students to learn their sounds and initial phonics and reading.? Older students will read to you and you will help them with pronunciation, fluency and comprehension.? Materials will be provided.?Tutoring opportunities are available during or after school hours. Volunteers need to make a commitment to tutor at least once a week for one hour (or more) for a minimum of 8 weeks.?Training will be provided. All volunteers will go through the routine APS volunteer application process outlined on the APS website: /volunteers-partnerships/volunteer-in-a-school/For further information or if you have any questions, please contact Gaby Rivas at gabriela.rivas@apsva.us

Application Process and FAQ

Interested in volunteering with us? To ensure the safety of our students, staff and visitors, there are a few steps to complete before beginning your service.

  1. Complete the?Volunteer Application Form. To begin the application process, click on the link below:
  2. Complete the mandatory online Safe Schools Sexual Misconduct training. Before the volunteer application is approved, the sexual misconduct training must be successfully completed. This training is required for any volunteer (parent or community member) who supports schools, chaperones a field trip, etc.
  3. Contact the school(s) where you wish to serve. Each volunteer will be informed once their application is approved. If you do not hear back about the status of your application within one week please contact Dawn Smith and let her know how you want to get involved. Once approved, your application is valid for three years.?

When filling out the application, please note that applicants are required to complete all fields that are marked with an asterisk.

How to Volunteer:? Frequently Asked Questions

Who can be a volunteer?

Volunteers may include parents/guardians and other family members, as well as members of the community interested in supporting education and have any interest in investing their time and talents to support students in Â鶹.

How do I become a volunteer?

All volunteers who?regularly?support schools and school sponsored activities must complete an application and State-mandated Safe Schools Training for volunteers and chaperones. This training requirement also applies to volunteers who regularly help in the classroom, and those who wish to attend field trips and chaperone trips to the Outdoor Lab. The application and online training is provided in English and Spanish.

Who needs to complete the application and training? Who is exempt?

For the 2023-24 school year, everyone who wants to support our schools and students as a volunteer on a regular and one time basis must complete the process. This includes those who chaperone lunch, help in the classroom, attend field trips, volunteers in other capacity, and also includes enrichment providers.

Why do I need to complete this process if I want to chaperone my student¡¯s field trip?

It is essential that chaperones complete the process since they are often off-site, off school grounds with groups of students other than their own children and may be unsupervised by APS staff members during those trips at certain times.

What is Raptor Technologies??

Raptor Technologies is the online platform APS uses for the Visitor Management System as well as for volunteers, sex offender screening and the visitor, volunteer, contractor, and staff sign in/out process. Individuals wishing to volunteer with an individual school or multiple schools is able to complete their application online in English and Spanish by accessing the Raptor Technology systems links dedicated to the school division.?

Where can I find the online volunteer application link?

The link to the online application can be found by clicking one of the links below.

How will APS know that I have completed the training?

Participation is recorded and tracked by APS within the Safe Schools System. Schools will access a report listing the family and community members who have successfully completed the training. Once complete, contact the school liaison with your certificate and they will load it into the Raptor system so that you will be approved for three years.

How long does it take to complete the volunteer process?

The volunteer process usually takes about a week from start to finish but may be expedited if you coordinate with your school’s liaison.

  • Fill out the volunteer application online (approx. five minutes)
  • Receive the Safe Schools training link (usually within 48 hours of completing the application)
  • Complete the online training (approx. 35 minutes)
  • Send certificate to V&P Liaisons
  • Receive approval email (within one week)
  • If you have questions about the approval process, contact Dawn Smith at dawn.smith@apsva.us.

How do I find volunteer opportunities?

The best way to begin volunteering is to contact the school directly to find out what volunteer opportunities are available.

What procedures do I follow when volunteering?

To best support school staff and students, volunteers are expected to follow these procedures each time they volunteer:

  • Volunteers must sign-in and sign-out of the building using the Visitor Management System (VMS).
  • Volunteers must wear the VMS produced volunteer identification name tag at all times while on school property.
  • Volunteers may not access confidential student or personnel records and should respect the confidentiality of students.
  • Volunteers working with students must be within view of other APS staff members and avoid unsupervised, one-on-one student contact.

Who should I contact if I have questions or concerns about my role as a volunteer or required volunteer training?

For concerns not addressed at the school level, contact Dawn Smith, Volunteer, Partnership and Events Manager.? She can be reached by email at dawn.smith@apsva.us or by phone at 703-228-2581.


We appreciate your interest in working with our students and our schools!

Dawn Smith
Volunteers, Partnership and Events Manager

2110 Washington Blvd, 4th Floor
Â鶹, VA 22204
Phone: 703-228-2581