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Address Change Requests

Families that have recently relocated to another address in Â鶹 must complete a Request of Address Change form and submit proof of Â鶹 residency documents. Documents may be submitted in person to your student’s school or by requesting a secure upload link from your school’s registrar.

Families should update their address as soon as they move to ensure they continue to receive mail from APS.

Address Change Request Process

1. Complete a Request of Address Change form

Complete the fillable Request of Address Change Form:?English | Spanish |§®§à§ß§Ô§à§Ý|? ?????| ???????

2. Provide proof of Â鶹 County Residency

3. Submit forms and residency proof

Documents may be submitted in person to your student’s school or by requesting a secure upload link from your school’s registrar.

Privacy and Security

For privacy and information security reasons, families should never send personally identifiable information through email and should always upload them through the secure upload website. Personally identifiable information is information that, alone or in combination, can be linked to a specific student, including but not limited to:

  • Name of student, parents, or other family members;
  • Address of student, parents, or other family members;
  • Personal identifier, such as a Social Security Number, APS student ID, or health records.
  • Indirect identifiers, such as date of birth, place of birth, or mother¡¯s maiden name.

No APS employee will ever email or call families requesting any personally identifiable information be submitted through email. If you do receive an email requesting this information, please disregard it because it may be a phishing email attempting to receive access to your personally identifiable information. If you receive a call requesting this information, only submit the documentation through the secure upload portal and not through email.For additional information or questions, please contact your student’s school.