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Special Services for Military Families

Special Education (IEPs, 504, Accommodations)

Under Article V of the Interstate Compact, we will gladly provide comparable services for any current Individualized Educational Program (IEP) or Section 504 plan, should your student have one. We may conduct additional evaluations to make sure that we are able to do that, given the resources and programs that exist in APS.

Â鶹 Public Schools provides a continuum of services for PreK-12 students with disabilities who are eligible to receive special education services. Identifying a student as eligible for special education services is a carefully managed process guided by State and Federal regulations, as well as APS Special Education policies and procedures (25 4.4). Evaluations required to make this determination are completed only with parent/guardian permission.

Information related to Special Education services can be found on the Special Education or Parent Resource Center webpages, or by emailing prc@apsva.us or calling 703-228-7239.

Gifted Services

APS is committed to meeting the academic, artistic, and social-emotional needs of gifted learners in grades K-12. Each school has a full time resource teacher for the gifted (RTG). Our model for services is a collaborative cluster model meaning students who are identified as gifted are clustered with a group of other identified students (in the same content area) in heterogeneous classrooms in elementary and middle schools. In high school, students can choose to take AP and IB courses.

In a collaborative cluster model, the classroom teacher is the primary deliverer of gifted services. These teachers work with the RTG on a weekly basis to plan daily differentiation for gifted learners.

As part of the Military Interstate Children¡¯s Compact Commission (MIC3), if your child was identified as gifted in another school district, please share this documentation with the registrar at the school. The principal, RTG and the Supervisor of Gifted Services will review the documentation to find the best match between services from your prior district and what APS offers.

Please visit APS Gifted Services for more information and resources. The FAQ section may be especially helpful with your transition to APS.

Virtual Learning

APS provides students with opportunities to enroll in classes in virtual settings. In addition to the VDOE requirement that students have at least one virtual learning experience during school, APS offers a wide variety of course options for secondary students to consider

Please visit the Virtual@APS page or your school¡¯s counseling office to learn more about this educational opportunity.

(Please note: APS does not offer full-time at-home virtual instruction except in cases of medical disability. Find out more)