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Equity Teams

Â鶹 Public School Equity Teams are collectives of individuals, representing students, teachers/school counselors, administrators, and parents/guardians/caregivers, who work collaboratively to promote and advance equity, diversity, and inclusion initiatives.? It is our collective ambition to develop and maintain an environment, across settings, where individuals, regardless of their ethnicity, background, identity, or characteristics, have equitable access to opportunities, resources, and a genuine sense of connectedness and belonging.? Equity Teams ongoing efforts will result in moving APS schools/sites closer to serving as places where individuals are valued, respected, and affirmed for their diverse experiences and perspectives.??School/site-based equity teams work to identify and address inequities that might exist in that school or site.? This includes utilizing qualitative and quantitative data to expose discriminatory or biased practices that work to inhibit equity throughout settings.

Recommended Equity Team Structure and Agenda:


  1. School/Site-Based Equity Team:? The school/site-based team should include teachers, school counselors, administrators, specialists, students, and parents/guardians/caregivers.? Developing a diverse team increases the likelihood that goals, objectives, and interventions speak to the needs and interests of all.

Annual Plan:

  1. Analyze School Action Plan:? Utilize the school¡¯s action plan to identify goals and objectives directed toward diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives.
  2. Analyze School Data:? Mine existing quantitative and qualitative data to identify areas of concern.
  3. Develop Objectives and Goals:
    1. Objective – Broad, high-level, overarching statement that defines a specific direction, outcome, or ambition of the Equity Team.
    2. Goal – A short-term, specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound target that supports stated objectives.
  4. Develop and Implement Action Plan:
    1. Identify Key Strategies
      1. Develop specific steps to achieve stated objectives and goals.
    2. Establish Timelines
      1. Establish clear deadlines for each key strategy.
    3. Acquire Resources
      1. Identify and acquire the resources needed to effectively implement key strategies.
    4. Identify Milestones
      1. Establish regular milestones toward accomplishing stated objectives and goals.
    5. Assign Responsibilities
      1. Specifically identify those responsible for each key strategy and hold each other to milestones.
    6. Monitor Progress
      1. Establish regular dates to monitor progress toward accomplishing stated objectives and goals.
    7. Adapt and Adjust
      1. Utilize information gathered during the progress monitoring process to make amendments where necessary.
    8. Celebrate accomplishments
      1. Recognize accomplishments and celebrate successes throughout the year.
    9. Evaluation and Reporting
      1. Collect data and prepare a report to share with school/site leadership to illustrate progress toward accomplishing stated ambitions.

Â鶹 Public Schools is committed to continually working toward the development and maintenance of a culture where every member feels a genuine sense of connectedness and belonging.? Equity Teams serve as an essential component of our ongoing efforts to advance this ambition.? We ask that school/site leadership work collaboratively with their equity team to ensure that identified insights are shared and acted upon.



School Equity Team Lead(s)
Abingdon Renita Upshur
Â鶹 Science Focus Jillian Tullish and Monica Disch
Â鶹 Traditional Chloe Ferogh
Ashlawn Jenny Lambdin
Barcroft Anna Michel and Eleanor Splan
Barrett Atari Griffin and Wendy Cornejo
Campbell Natalie Hodgkiss
Cardinal Gina Rocco
Carlin Springs Julie Huynh
Claremont Caroline Peterson
Discovery Alex Upshaw
Dr. Charles R.Drew Carlette Bethea
Fleet Keenan Hall and Tyrell Hudlin
Glebe Sara Tewodros
Hoffman-Boston Belinda Folb and Vashon Bethea
Innovation Sarah Congable
Integration Station Megan Starke
Jamestown Debra Gaeta
Key Gregory Landrigan and Penelope Quesada
Long Branch Aniesha Campbell
Montessori Martha Darif and Diane Reeser
Nottingham Molly Spooner Agnew
Oakridge Rachael Fine
Randolph Jennifer Baitinger and Monisha Slater
Taylor Audrey LeVault
Tuckahoe Sarah Weisz
Dorothy Hamm Kobie Griffin
Gunston Kristin La
Jefferson Stephanie Smith
Kenmore Teresa (Terri) Taylor
Swanson Jacqueline Stallworth
Williamsburg Carrie Wielechowski
Â鶹 Career Center Monica Lozano Caldera, Lisa Lee, Arlene Whitlock and Mindee Laumann
Â鶹 Community High School Lori Wiggins
H-B Woodlawn Nekya Ball
Langston/New Directions Verlese Gaither
Shriver Brittany Brown
Wakefield Tim Cotman and Vernita Marshall
Washington-Liberty James Sample
Yorktown Ackesha Patrick