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School Board Meetings

Regular School Board meetings generally are held twice a month on Thursdays and start at 7 PM, unless otherwise noted. All meetings take place in the Board Room of the Syphax Education Center, 2110 Washington Blvd, 2nd Floor, Â鶹 VA 22204.

  • Agendas and background information are posted one week prior to the Board Meeting on *

Meeting Procedures

Order of Business at a School Board Meeting

  • For the 2024-25 School Year, School Board meetings will start at 7 PM, unless otherwise noted.
  • Public Comment on all Agenda and Non-Agenda items? is limited to 1 hour.
  • Consent items are normally taken up following recognitions and announcements. Items grouped in this category are routine matters that pertain to the operational procedures of the School Board and the Â鶹 Public Schools. Consent items are usually voted on as a group. If Board Members have questions or concerns about a particular consent item, that item may be voted on separately.
  • Agenda items are considered following the adoption of the Consent Agenda. Agenda items include monitoring reports and topics for information or for action. These items are ordinarily placed first on an agenda for information and then on the agenda of a subsequent meeting for Board action.

Conducting School Board Business

  • Where no contrary procedure have been adopted by the School Board, Robert¡¯s Rules of Order: Newly Revised will be followed.
  • A brief recess during the Board Meeting may be called by the Chair.
  • A meeting may be recessed to a later date upon approval of the majority of the Board.
  • Closed meetings may be called by the Board only for items which are permitted by the Freedom of Information Act, such as legal, personnel, or certain real property matters.

School Board Meeting Agenda and Materials

  • The Superintendent provides a list of proposed agenda items for the consideration of the Chair of the School Board approximately two weeks before each Board Meeting. The agenda of every regular meeting is approved by the Chair. Generally, a Board member desiring to add items to the proposed agenda must submit the additions to the Chair seven days before the meeting. Items may be added to the agenda if two or more School Board Members so request.
  • Agenda materials for upcoming School Board meetings are usually posted electronically on on Friday afternoons the week before the meeting and also are available for public review in the School Board office by Monday afternoon of the week of the meeting.
  • Members of the public may speak at most School Board meetings. Speaker forms are valid only for the meeting indicated and are not held over to another meeting.? Community members who wish to speak at a School Board meeting must sign up electronically.? Please go to the Sign Up to Speak at a School Board Meeting?page for directions.
    • Please review the adopted?School Board Guidelines for Public Comment to help prepare to speak at a School Board meeting.
    • Written comments provided to the Board are entered into the public record, and are subject to the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act.

2024-25 School Board Meeting Dates

All meetings take place in the Board Room of the Syphax Education Center, 2110 Washington Blvd, 2nd Floor, Â鶹 VA 22204.??Meetings start at 7 PM.

July 18

August 1

August 15

September 5

September 19

October 17

October 29

November 14

December 12

January 16, 2025

January 30

February 13

February 25 – Superintendent’s Proposed Budget Presentation

February 27

March 13

March 20 – Public Hearing on the Superintendent’s Proposed Budget

March 27

April 10

April 29 – Public Hearing on the School Board’s Proposed Budget

May 1

June 5

June 26

Calendar of Events

S Sun

M Mon

T Tue

W Wed

T Thu

F Fri

S Sat

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