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Â鶹 Special Education Advisory Committee (ASEAC)

The Â鶹 Special Education Advisory Committee (ASEAC) provides an opportunity for parents to have a voice in the way APS provides services to students with disabilities.


A majority of ASEAC members must be parents of students with disabilities, but the committee also welcomes other parents and community members, and must include one teacher. The committee also values the support and contributions of several APS staff, who serve as consultants to the committee.


ASEAC¡¯s role and duties are mandated by the Regulations Governing Special Education Programs for Children with Disabilities in Virginia as defined by the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE). As described by the VDOE, Special Education Advisory Committees (SEACs) ¡°are extensions of local school boards since members are appointed by them, and SEACs provide reports and recommendations to their school boards.¡± ASEAC provides an annual report to the School Board, but also submits comments and recommendations throughout the year as needed. The Regulations state that ASEAC¡¯s official role is to:

  1. Advise the local school division of needs in the education of children with disabilities;
  2. Assist in the development of long-range plans designed to provide needed services for children with disabilities;
  3. Participate in the development of priorities and strategies for meeting the identified needs of children with disabilities;
  4. Submit periodic reports and recommendations to the school board;
  5. Assist the school division in interpreting educational plans to the community for meeting the needs of children with disabilities;
  6. Review the policies and procedures for the provision of special education and related services prior to submission to the school board; and participate in the review of the school division¡¯s annual plan.

Get Involved

All ASEAC meetings are open to the public, parents, teachers, and community members are welcome to attend. Every month, the committee sets aside time to hear the concerns of parents of students with disabilities. If you wish to speak to the committee, or join in committee discussions, simply attend a meeting. You are encouraged to let one of the officers know ahead of time so they can set aside enough time on the agenda, but that is not required.

ASEAC also sponsors an annual forum which typically combines a public presentation on a topic of interest to families of students with disabilities, with an extensive parent comment session. ASEAC is very interested in working with other APS advisory committees on topics of common concern, such as transportation, reading or math instruction and interventions, or students who are identified as needing both special education and ESOL/HILT services.


ASEAC is always interested in recruiting new members, including parents and a teacher and a student representative. The committee tries to have a membership that reflects the diversity of our school community.

Working Groups

Much of the committee¡¯s work is supported by working groups that focus on particular topics of concern, such as autism, dyslexia, or ADHD (the topics can vary with the interests of the committee members). ASEAC encourages all members to participate in and provide leadership for these working groups. Parents who are not committee members are also welcome to participate in these working groups. No application is needed to participate in working groups.

If you are interested in joining the committee or a working group, please feel free to discuss your interest with any of our officers or members.

ASEAC Meetings 2023-24


Meeting Date/Time Meeting Minutes Meeting Recording
Thursday, September 21: 7-9pm
(Virtual via Zoom)
Wednesday, October 25: 7-9pm
Wednesday, November 29
(Tentative Meeting)
Wednesday, January 17: 7-9pm
Wednesday, February 7: 7-9pm
(Virtual via Zoom)
Wednesday, March 20: 7-9pm
Wednesday, April 17
(Tentative Meeting)
Wednesday, May 22: 7-9pm

Committee Officers & Members

ASEAC 2023-24 Committee Members

Contact: aseac.mail@gmail.com?




Paige Shevlin Chair
Jennifer Wheelock Vice-Chair
David Siu Secretary
Bryant Atkins Member
Danya Ayeh Member
Michelle Best Member
Laura Bryant Njanga Member
James Catano Member
Raquel Cepelak Member
Anjy Cramer Member
Alexander Fernandez-Pons Member
Ellen Fitzenrider Member
Selam Getahun Member
Kristin Gillig Member
Matt Leland Member
Brittany Oman Member
Claudia Ramirez Cuellar Member
Marguarite Reed Gooden Member
Emily Remus Member
David Rosenblatt Member
Kurt Schuler Member
Laura Swanson Member
Paul Timm Member
Sharmon Thornton Member
Minerva Trudo Member
Claire Wulf Winiarek Past-Chair
Student Member VACANT
Teacher Member VACANT

ASEAC Recommendations to Â鶹 School Board