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Extended Day

Extended Day provides a safe, enriching and fun environment before and after school each day for over 4,000 children. It also operates during the summer in conjunction with the APS Summer School Program.


Extended Day Central Office

Extended Day Central Office

Syphax Education Center
2110 Washington Blvd.
Â鶹, VA 22204

Phone: 703-228-8000, Option 3 Office
Hours: Monday-Thursday, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.; Friday, 8 a.m.-1 p.m.
Email: extended.day@apsva.us

  • Director: Bobby Kaplow
  • Assistant Director: Corina Coronel
  • Customer Service Staff: Nathalie Frazier and Gabriela Perez
  • Registration: Karen Morales
  • School & Program Information: Staur Harris, Kris Seldomridge, and Belinda Fletcher

Extended Day Site Contacts

Abingdon 703-228-8471 abingdon.extendedday@apsva.us
Ashlawn 703-228-8279 ashlawn.extendedday@apsva.us
Â鶹 Science Focus 703-228-8088 asfs.extendedday@apsva.us
Â鶹 Traditional School 703-228-7677 ats.extendedday@apsva.us
Barcroft 703-228-8121 barcroft.extendedday@apsva.us
Barrett 703-228-8534 barrett.extendedday@apsva.us
Campbell 703-228-8434 campbell.extendedday@apsva.us
Cardinal 703-228-8528 cardinal.extendedday@apsva.us
Carlin Springs 703-228-8412 carlinsprings.extended.day@apsva.us
Claremont 703-228-2522 claremont.extendedday@apsva.us
Discovery 703-228-2699 discovery.extendedday@apsva.us
Drew 703-228-8135 drew.extendedday@apsva.us
Escuela Key 703-228-8486 key.extendedday@apsva.us
Fleet 703-228-8207 fleet.extendedday@apsva.us
Glebe 703-228-8511 glebe.extendedday@apsva.us
Hoffman-Boston 703-228-8623 hoffman-boston.extendedday@apsva.us
Innovation 703-228-2717 innovation.extended.day@apsva.us
Jamestown 703-228-8373 jamestown.extendedday@apsva.us
Long Branch 703-228-8066 longbranch.extendedday@apsva.us
Montessori Public School 703-228-8796 montessori.extendedday@apsva.us
Nottingham 703-228-8334 nottingham.extendedday@apsva.us
Oakridge 703-228-8159 oakridge.extendedday@apsva.us
Randolph 703-228-8685 randolph.extendedday@apsva.us
Shriver 703-228-6384 stratford.extendedday@apsva.us
Taylor 703-228-8597 taylor.extendedday@apsva.us
Tuckahoe 703-228-8322 tuckahoe.extendedday@apsva.us
Gunston 703-228-6936 gunston.checkin@apsva.us
Hamm 703-228- hamm.checkin@apsva.us
Jefferson 703-228-5860 jefferson.checkin@apsva.us
Kenmore 703-228-6776 kenmore.checkin@apsva.us
Swanson 703-228-5497 swanson.checkin@apsva.us
Williamsburg 703- 228-5476 williamsburg.checkin@apsva.us


The Extended Day Program is operated under the Department of Finance and Management Services in compliance with the licensing standards of the Virginia Department of Social Services.? Licensing standards include requirements for staff qualifications, adult-to-child ratios, and programmatic and administrative procedures and expectations.

The school principal is responsible for all activities in each building, including the Extended Day Program. The principal provides support to the Extended Day program and collaborates with the Extended Day Central Office regarding policies and procedures.

Extended Day Employment Opportunities

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