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Non-Instructional Advisory Committees

School Board Non-Instructional Advisory Committees

The School Board actively seeks the advice of community members through a wide range of committees and councils on issues or policies related to the successful operation of the school system. Only Â鶹 County residents are eligible for membership on advisory groups and committees. Terms are staggered so that vacancies occur regularly.

  • Some committees have additional governance at the local, state, or national levels. This special governance is referenced in the References section of the policy.
  • The School Board seeks a diverse representation of the Â鶹 Public Schools community on committees, including student members.
  • The establishment or elimination of committees occurs only by an affirmative vote of the School Board. Committees may be established, as needed, to advise Â鶹 Public Schools on all aspects of its instructional and support programs, facilities, and operations.

In accordance to policy:

Advisory Council on School Facilities and Capital Programs

The Advisory Council on School Facilities and Capital Programs assists the School Board in the continuous, systematic review of school facilities and the Capital Improvement Program by: making recommendations to the School Board on the biannual school facilities and student accommodation plan which informs the ten-year capital improvement plan and recommendations for funding thereon; providing, upon request, recommendations to the School Board on specific issues; providing advice on areas identified by the Council regarding the capital program; assisting the School Board in providing the community with information concerning school facilities and the capital improvement program; receiving and integrating input from the community concerning school facilities and the capital improvement program; and receiving and integrating input from Building Level Planning Committees.

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Â鶹 Partnership for Children, Youth & Families (APCYF)

The commission is an advisory body jointly chartered and appointed by the Â鶹 County Board and the Â鶹 School Board. The mission of the APCYF is to improve the health, well-being, and safety of children, youth, and families in Â鶹 through researching young people¡¯s needs, advocating for improved policies and programs to meet those needs, and engaging all members of our community as part of the solution. The APCYF identifies community needs through research and surveys, engages the community to find ways to meet the needs, and advocates for improved policies and programs.

Budget Advisory Council

To maintain fiscal integrity, public confidence, and wise stewardship of taxpayer resources, the Â鶹 School Board actively seeks the advice and insight of citizens regarding the Â鶹 Public Schools budget. The Budget Advisory Council makes recommendations on policies and practices related to the presentation and preparation of the operating budget and the financial management of the school system; makes recommendations to the School Board on budget priorities; advises on the degree to which the Superintendent¡¯s Proposed Budget supports best fiscal practices and the School Board¡¯s priorities, assists in educating the community about the budgeting process; and provides, upon the Board¡¯s request, study and recommendations on special topics or issues.

The Council is comprised of 15 members who are not APS employees and who exhibit a broad range of interests, including knowledge and interest in budget matters. Membership is for two-year terms and no more than six years on the Council.

The School Board may invite various civic organizations to suggest persons for membership on the Council. Additionally, the County Council of PTAs, the Advisory Council on Instruction and the Civic Federation each may nominate a representative to the Council. For more information, contact the Finance Department at 703-228-6125 or fill out the advisory council application form.



Building Level Planning Committees

Building Level Planning Committees are appointed by the School Board for those Â鶹 schools that are planning major renewal or new construction projects. Committee members work collaboratively with the Design and Construction Services of the Â鶹 Public Schools Facilities and Operations Department in advising the project architects and school system staff on a variety of issues related to the renewal or construction project. This includes ensuring that there is adequate preparation of the project plan, including the application of approved and appropriate program/instructional space and capacity to meet local school needs, project schematic design, community use and impact, safety and accessibility provisions and project implementation schedules. The committees also advise the School Board on these same issues and they meet with the School Board prior to approval of the schematic design. During construction, members meet periodically to review the progress of the project, and following completion, they participate in post-construction evaluation of the project. Committee members are appointed by the School Board and include six school staff, six parents, two representatives from the local civic association and several members of the Facilities and Operations Division staff, including the Assistant Superintendent. Meetings are held regularly during the planning phase of renewal/construction and less frequently once construction begins. For more information, call your school principal or fill out the advisory council application form.


Joint Facilities?Advisory Commission (JFAC)

The Joint Facilities Advisory Commission (¡°JFAC¡± or the ¡°Commission¡±) is createdas an advisory body jointly appointed by the County Board of Â鶹 County, Virginia (the¡±County Board¡±), and the Â鶹 County School Board (the ¡°School Board¡±), (jointly, the¡°Boards¡±). This was a recommendation within the 2015 Community Facilities Study.

Mission: The overall mission of the JFAC is to provide input to the Boards on collaborative long range facility planning for both the Â鶹 County Government (the ¡°County¡±) and Â鶹 Public Schools (¡°APS¡±), to include input on capital facilities needs assessment and capital improvement plans.

Chair: Stacy Snyder
Vice Chair: Wells Harrell

School Health Advisory Board

The is Â鶹 Public Schools¡¯ school health advisory board established per the Code of Virginia ¡ì 22.1-275.1. SHAB assists with the development of health policy in the school division and the evaluation of the status of school health, health ?education, the school environment, and health services. SHAB annually reports on the status and ?needs of student health in the school division to any relevant school, the Â鶹 School Board, the Virginia Department of Health, and the Virginia Department of Education. SHAB participates in the Advisory Council on Teaching and Learning process as a subcommittee for matters relating to health education.? The School Board seeks the advice of community members through a wide range of advisory committees and councils. These advisory committees and councils are appointed by the School Board, advise the School Board and, when appropriate, make recommendations on issues or policies related to the successful operation of the school system.

Staff Liaison: Deborah DeFranco Supervisor, Health, Physical and Driver Education and Athletics

Special Education Parent Resource Center Parent Liaison Group

The Special Education Parent Resource Center (PRC) Parent Liaison Group helps create partnerships between home and school through the establishment of parent liaisons who then become a direct link between the schools and the Center. The parent liaisons represent the interests of special education students at individual schools by serving on the PTA executive board; communicate to parents about upcoming PRC activities such as workshops, support groups and special meetings via the PTA and keep the PRC apprised of activities that might be of interest to special education students. The group has one representative from each Â鶹 school. Meetings are held three times per year in the evenings and are set in advance. For more information call the Parent Resource Center at 703-228-7239 or fill out the advisory council application form.

Student Advisory Board

The Student Advisory Board consists of student-representatives from APS high schools and high school programs and meets monthly from September through June. The Student Advisory Board may meet with the School Board liaison at its monthly meeting and also may have an opportunity to share its concerns and/or recommendations with the School Board during regular School Board meetings.? A summary of Student Advisory Board activities may be presented to the School Board at the end of each school year. The Student Advisory Board, at its regular monthly meeting, will address current issues and agenda items of the School Board through discussion, and/or study.? Additionally, issues and concerns of interest to the Â鶹 Public Schools students will be addressed.

Staff Liaison:

Chris Wilmore



Meeting are from 5 – 6 p.m., dates and location below:

11/15 ¨C Room 101

12/13 ¨C Board Room 256/258

1/24 ¨C Board Room 256/258

2/28 ¨C Board Room 256/258

3/20 ¨C Room 101

4/24 ¨C Board Room 256/258

5/22 ¨C Board Room 256/258

Superintendent-Appointed and Other Committees

In addition to the School Board Advisory Committees, the APS Superintendent maintains advisory committees for various topics. For information or to volunteer to serve on any of these committees, call the Superintendent¡¯s Office at 703-228-2497.

School Plan Advisory Committees

A School Plan Advisory Committee for each school is appointed by the Superintendent or his designee in August. Each committee is responsible for advising the School Board and the building principal on matters pertaining to the school and its successful operation. The committee reviews the total school program, including the School Management Plan; considers the extent to which goals and objectives of the Management Plan have been or are being met; reviews student performance and makes recommendations for improvements. Each committee includes the principal, the PTA president, another PTA Executive Board member and two to four other members of the school community. Four meetings are held each year. More meetings may be held as needed. For more information, call your school principal.

Superintendent¡¯s Advisory Committee on Immigrant and Refugee Student Concerns

The Superintendent¡¯s Advisory Committee on Immigrant and Refugee Student Concerns (SACIRSC) consists of parents, community leaders, and staff who raise concerns voiced by immigrant and refugee students and parents; leverage the Committee¡¯s knowledge, networks, and resources to identify solutions and advocate for timely implementation; and support the APS vision ¡°to be an inclusive community that empowers all students to foster their dreams, explore their possibilities, and create their futures.¡±

For more information or to volunteer to serve on this Committee, contact Brian Stockton, Committee liaison, at brian.stockton@apsva.us.

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Superintendent¡¯s Advisory Committee on Sustainability

The Sustainability Committee addresses issues relating to energy and environmental conservation within our school operations and educational curriculum. A committee of parents, community members, students and staff address issues and provide recommendations in the following areas:

  • Policies and procedures with respect to environmental sustainability.
  • Energy and environment curriculum.
  • Management and conservation programs.
  • Community outreach.

More Information

To volunteer to serve on this committee, call the Energy Manager at 703-228-7731.